Summer’s Over, Time to Get Back to Working Out!



As we sit here one week after Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, and get ready to trade the bikinis and beach days for sweatpants and football, you may find yourself slipping into a dangerous mindset.



You may think there won’t be any need to keep your body in prime swimsuit condition, that you can relax now that the kids are back in school, or that all-you-can eat wings buffet during the Jets game is just too good of a deal to turn down.


On top of that, the holidays are around the corner, and we all know how appetizing those spreads look come November and December.


But just because the seasons are changing doesn’t mean we are going to be changing our fitness goals.  The foundation of your summer body and the blueprint to avoid the holiday temptation begins now.


Fitness is not just a seasonal fad, it’s a lifestyle.  The same way you want your body to shine and steal the show when you’re wearing less, you’ll want to keep it that way for next year.


Doing all of that may seem like a mammoth task, but in reality all it takes is a little effort and some discipline to keep you healthy and happy throughout the fall and winter. As always, a great diet and efficient, effective training are the keys to reaching those goals, and in fact, they may get easier as the days get shorter and the weather colder.High Definition 2013-163[1]


For the stay-at-home moms out there, with your little (or not-so-little) ones away at school, you will have plenty of time to accomplish your fitness goals no matter how big or small they may be.  Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or even just maintain your current physique, spending four hours training a week, mixing metabolic conditioning and strength circuits, will help you do just that.


For the guys out there, the notion that you “cut” in the spring/summer and “bulk” in the fall/winter is not one that 98% of people should follow. Unless you are training for Mr. Olympia, bulking and cutting seasons should not mean anything to you.  


Remember, fitness is about combining a great diet with a training program that is tailored specifically for your needs and goals. In most cases, adding 25 pounds during the next six months doesn’t mean you will be a beast come Memorial Day, it just means getting in beach shape will be that much harder when the weather gets warmer.  Again, fitness is a lifestyle — a yearlong commitment — not done in on-and-off cycles.


So why wait? Why stay complacent when a new plan, a new body, a new LIFE is waiting for you? Summer’s over and just like the kids are going back to school, it’s time for us to all get back to work.
Call us to find out more information or to Reserve your spot for one of ourgroup training session at 917-432-9418.


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